Tuesday, September 20, 2011

RH Bill in The Philippines

What is RH Bill is all about?

What is RH Bill is all about?

The Reproductive Health bills, or popularly known as  RH bill, are Philippine Bills aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care. It is a way of helping people to be more advance, well prepared, and to widen up each and every individuals mind setting about our society now a days.
There is this top agreement about its provisions on maternal and child health care, there is great debate on its proposal that we taxpayer and the private sector will fund and undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices such as birth control pills (BCPs) and IUDs, and as the government continue campaigning to broadcast a good informations and effect on its  use through health care centers nationwide.

The Reproductive Health Bill (RH Bill) is one of the most controversial bills in the Philippines today. The bill consists of 34 total sections of which is mainly composed of topics that address the issues of family planning, maternal and child health as well as reproductive and sexual conditions
See other sites for more information
See other blogs related to the topic

Thursday, October 14, 2010

IT 18 (Laboratory Equipment)


What I've learn in IT 18

                The rationalization of our current era revolves in the aspects of beautiful and eye-catching objects. Majority of us wants to be attractive especially in pictures but only little no. of people can pay Dr. Belo to become beautiful a.s.a.p(as soon as possible) doing any laser surgery, in the eyes, body management builder using machines, lyposaction and many more.! But due to new technology arises, we can reach the genuine beauty we want using  this thing called Adobe Photoshop.
                 Adobe Photoshop is a professional painting photo-retouching tool that deals with manipulating raw photographic materials and creating somehting unique subdivided into may activities such as digital imaging, digital illustration, image correction, web banner, logo making,organizational making, and etc. This revolves our topic in the first semester in the second year of being an IT student in the subject IT 18 (Graphics Application) with our highly respected and newly fresh graduate Mr. Yolly G. Pelegrino that undeniably teach us everything for our grown up being a professional IT students in the near future. Thank You Sir. We learned many things including how to make logo, web banner, organizational structure, poster, brochure and especially our very own blogspot (yehey!).In making this said things we spent bitter and sweat moments also made our pocket "no more" (except for those students who had laptop he..he..he.. ). We struggling and fighting for our project to be graded and for me it is unexceptional in the life of being a student also a worthful one that teaches us how to work independently. I'm an anime addict and all people around me knows that fact.Want to know what did I do in our web banner activity? Well, I just made an anime banner and I'm very proud of that not because of the finish product but because our dear instructor was the one who suggested the anime picture to be bannerized (I hope he can still remember that ^_^). The brochure making is the second (bit) difficult activity for me not for making but for deciding. In our brochure making we were groups into two for the expenses to be halted but because were only three close friends int the class (Me, Ceniza and Padayjag) we decided to do the task individually so that no hurt feelings for the one who were left behind if the two decided to be partners but through this decision we made we became strong person who knows how to stand up and face the given task in all our mighty (even if the printing price of the brochure is quite expensive..). For me the very difficult activity that was given was the making of organizational structure for our College of Engineering and Information Technology Department many times we went in the faculty to gather some pictures and informations at least we experience the commodities being researchers(??). The most exciting activity for me was the digital imaging where we able to know the techniques how to remove blackheads and pimples in the picture to make it more presentable as well goes to the image correction ( I even experimented my mother's face in this). In digital illustrations we are able to know how to comiczed pictures, the black and white techiques and lot's. Ahh! I almost forgot a very special activity that we've made.., it is a seminar in which we conduct the Adobe Photoshop in our highly respective audiences came from the same instructor of ours...the IT 19 and IT 10 students with the collaboration of our beloved instructor we've conducted this so-called seminar in the newest laboratory in our school. The start of the program is really bad (well that's the true ) it's because we really started around two p.m. But the scheduled was 1:00 p.m. (pinoy nga naman!) but i think eventhough the first part was bad, it end in the good proposition remarks from our audiences and I think it's because of our snack. Unlike in their seminer only candy, IT 18 students have juices and pan had offer to them.I think that was all.
             It is true that in everything you do you will reap it's consequences gift. For me who had enroll this subject, I reap the gifts of learning new things exploring photoshop is a good learning that I've ever experienced. I just wanna say thank you for my instructor Mr. Yolly G. Pelegrino for the time he  had spent to us for learning. Be happy always and be the way that you are believe in yourself and more power to your career Sir and also IT 18 Thank You.
